
Power steering for your business

As your agency grows, you end up in multiple calls over multiple projects all the time. You'll need something simple and properly automated to start onboarding more complex and larger projects.
As your agency grows, you end up in multiple calls over multiple projects all the time. You'll need something simple and properly automated to start onboarding more complex and larger projects.

Full access. No credit card required.

Full access. No credit card required.

Full access. No credit card required.

Are your client conversations getting too large and complex to track on spreadsheets?

Get yourself off-the-shelf sales operations with zero overhead

"This AI-enhanced CRM streamlines our customer management beyond basic spreadsheets. It automates processes, enabling us to focus on delivering AI consulting and innovation. Great for innovators seeking efficiency"

Huxley Peckham

Co-Founder, Tech Horizon Labs

Connection Strength

Visibility delivered automatically

Focus on your conversations with your clients - Klipy will automatically detect key signals and log the interactions so that everyone in the team can see the updates in real-time.
klipy solution agencies connection strength

Connection Strength

Visibility delivered automatically

Focus on your conversations with your clients - Klipy will automatically detect key signals and log the interactions so that everyone in the team can see the updates in real-time.
klipy solution agencies connection strength

Connection Strength

Visibility delivered automatically

Focus on your conversations with your clients - Klipy will automatically detect key signals and log the interactions so that everyone in the team can see the updates in real-time.
klipy solution agencies connection strength

Powerful Summarization

Keep transparency and privacy together

Powerful collaboration starts with transparency. Get all your crucial conversations with key accounts automatically summarized only with important details to keep the whole team up to date while protecting their privacy.

Powerful Summarization

Keep transparency and privacy together

Powerful collaboration starts with transparency. Get all your crucial conversations with key accounts automatically summarized only with important details to keep the whole team up to date while protecting their privacy.

Powerful Summarization

Keep transparency and privacy together

Powerful collaboration starts with transparency. Get all your crucial conversations with key accounts automatically summarized only with important details to keep the whole team up to date while protecting their privacy.

Pipeline Management

No more deals left behind

Keep your pipeline up to date with AI assisted qualification and status updates. Monitor, forecast and track performance and revenue across different deals with confidence.

Pipeline Management

No more deals left behind

Keep your pipeline up to date with AI assisted qualification and status updates. Monitor, forecast and track performance and revenue across different deals with confidence.

Pipeline Management

No more deals left behind

Keep your pipeline up to date with AI assisted qualification and status updates. Monitor, forecast and track performance and revenue across different deals with confidence.

See the future of smart sales we are drafting for you

See the future of smart sales we are drafting for you

Quick Compare

How is Klipy different?

Watch a short speed run video handling brand new inbound lead on Klipy and Hubspot. We want you to choose the best platform for you, even if it's not us.


Frequently Asked

Still have a question?

Ask the founder!

Can Klipy help me make sure my teammates don't forget to follow up with important clients and partners?

How much is Klipy actually automating the manual entries compared to other CRMs in the market?

Can Klipy help with proposal tracking?

Is Klipy suitable for small agencies too?

Does Klipy offer Affiliate program so that I can refer this to my clients as well?

Can I try Klipy before committing to a subscription?

How secure is my data with Klipy?

How long will it take for me to fully onboard and start using Klipy?

Can Klipy help me make sure my teammates don't forget to follow up with important clients and partners?

How much is Klipy actually automating the manual entries compared to other CRMs in the market?

Can Klipy help with proposal tracking?

Is Klipy suitable for small agencies too?

Does Klipy offer Affiliate program so that I can refer this to my clients as well?

Can I try Klipy before committing to a subscription?

How secure is my data with Klipy?

How long will it take for me to fully onboard and start using Klipy?

Can Klipy help me make sure my teammates don't forget to follow up with important clients and partners?

How much is Klipy actually automating the manual entries compared to other CRMs in the market?

Can Klipy help with proposal tracking?

Is Klipy suitable for small agencies too?

Does Klipy offer Affiliate program so that I can refer this to my clients as well?

Can I try Klipy before committing to a subscription?

How secure is my data with Klipy?

How long will it take for me to fully onboard and start using Klipy?

Still have a question?

Ask the founder!

Make CRM

work for you

Make CRM

work for you

Make CRM

work for you